
Aug 6, 2015

A few years ago I photographed Harmony on her 2nd birthday and two years later I photographed Harmony at the same place on her 4th birthday. I just love seeing how children grow, explore and experience all around them. Harmony has grown up so much since then! This year the theme was super heros! Marsha, Harmony's mother always has custom made outfits made for Harmony! I have to say they are just too adorable!

     Harmony's favorite superhero was WonderWoman. Which I have to say is mine too! Wonder Woman had the best arsenal of weapons, the lasso of truth, indestructible bracelets and a Tiara that would turn into a plane! Wonder Woman fought against injustices, for love, for peace and equality! We need more Wonder Women today! What a great choice Harmony! I know you will be a mighty Wonder Woman someday! And I know you are just going to make this world a better place!

 What's your favorite superhero?